The Power of Gratitude

Jan 07, 2020

Is it possible to have Abundance & Prosperity and still be happy? 

I know many people who have true happiness in their lives who also enjoy abundance and prosperity. I also know many people who have more than they could ever need or want, but for whom happiness is as elusive as trying to catch a ray of sunshine in your hands. The inverse is just as true. There are many who have very little and yet live lives filled with joy and happiness.

If you wish to live an abundant life, the easiest way is to simply be grateful for what you already have!
Affirmations alone are not enough. As it has been said ‘The path to hell is paved with good intentions’. I’m not suggesting that affirmations will lead to fire and brimstone. I am saying that we manifest what we truly feel. So, when you are thinking about being grateful for something, allow your heart to open and really feel the love, joy or happiness that thing actually brings to your life. 
How would it go if, in your relationship, you said ‘I love you’ all the time but never felt love for your partner? I image not so well. But, when we do feel that love for the other person in that moment, it reaches out and touches them, resulting in the manifestation of an even greater, more powerful love.

This holds true for all things in our lives. 
When we express gratitude for something and allow our emotions to flow through us, then that thing will also manifest into something greater and more powerful. Create what you want in life inside of being, and feeling, gratitude for what you already have. 
You cannot fail in your success! Simply because you will be living in the incredible emotion of gratitude both intellectually and emotionally which is a wonderful world to live in. This is, in fact, the world you hoped to live in by having Abundance & Prosperity. Have the world first and allow the rest to flow to you from there.

See you on the other side,

Coach Pericles

This post was syndicated on the Evox networks

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