One organization doing the work to help others with their money mindset is Reset Your Financial Thermostat’ - CBS

“I've tried many programs online and can honestly say that this is probably the only one that I am completely seeing through to the end and want more of. I'm showing up and doing the work. The small group format is beautiful and allows for a safe place in which to share, be vulnerable if needed, to be heard and valued. The one-on-one time is the icing on the cake that pulls everything together and helps me better understand not only the work but myself.”

- Sue Forrest - Boutique Agency Owner

“ the second call you have changed my learn things that you don’t learn anywhere that nobody teaches do it in such a compassionate way that there are not enough words to tell you how many blessings come back to you.”

- Angela Castillo - Patient Care Manager

“The top three things I got from this program: 1) My income has continually increased by $1,000.00 per month consistently. 2) Money flows into my life much easier and from many different sources. 3) Changing how I relate to money has reduced a ton of stress and worry that I always had around money in the past. This is the best money I have ever spent. ”

- Nicole Stone - Business Owner

My relationship with Money has, for a long time, been a lot more complex than relationships with people. For some reason Money and I always looked across the room at each other but I felt too shy (undeserving?) to introduce myself and build a really powerful partnership. My family also helped this awkwardness flourish as I grew up, understanding that our values told us rich people were bad and not to be trusted. Enter Pericles to make a warm introduction! I now have a new perspective on Abundance and Gratitude, and unlike the thousand-and-one books I've read, the "Abundance & Prosperity" coaching built actual habits that I easily embraced and practice regularly. One of the biggest benefits I've felt was growing my capacity for abundance, raising the bar for what I see as not just possible, but inevitable. I heartily recommend this work (and just go over there and introduce yourself to Money! You won't regret it)

- Andrew Mersmann - CXO

"Money was not discussed in the house I grew up in. So I never learned much about it, beyond how to write a check and balance a checkbook. Pericles opened up a new world for me - that may sound hokey, but I felt oddly like Dorothy opening the door after landing in Oz.  I had attended a Dave Ramsey class previously but Pericles' coaching really focused my understanding and speaks to the change in mindset that I needed to develop in order to "get" the concept of how money truly works. After 10 weeks my entire outlook has been changed, in not- so-subtle ways, and my confidence for handling the flow of money in my life has soared. This is an enormous change -- that I wish I would have had sooner in my life -- but the difference is already lifting a huge weight off me and my ability to move forward has expanded beyond what I had been able to imagine. I did not think this was possible for me and Pericles has taught me to "think again". THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart (and wallet!)!!!"

- Claire Wynters - Realtor

"This has been a tremendous life lesson for me and I highly recommend working with Pericles to anyone seeking a better relationship with the flow of Abundance & Prosperity."

- Hagit Worona - Artist


"I have been receiving coaching from Pericles for years and have never felt more empowered around finances as a result. When I first received coaching, I was lucky if I paid my bills on time. With Pericles' coaching, I not only have a context of abundance and prosperity to live into, I also have tools to manage my finances in a way that money just tends to miraculously appear and I no longer punish myself when I make a mistake in the area of finances. There is no person I could recommend more highly for any type of coaching and particularly coaching around money".

- Dawn Cushman - Attorney

Pericles is a master when it comes to the understanding the flow and energy of money! After taking his class, I feel empowered about my choices and my finances - I am in such a better place. He has taken the fear out of money for me and showed me so many ways to save, understand and continue to refine how I look at my money and my future! I highly, highly recommend his expertise to anyone who is curious about their finances and beyond!

- Jen Borrow - Clinical Operations

“This is a fast, easy, clear way to improve your financial situation in ALL areas. I have continued to use them over the last 10 years. I HIGHLY recommend these courses. Well worth the investment.”

- Tiffany Haley Ferrari - Business Owner

"I am excited and wowed by my own accomplishment. I can go on vacation without a concern about money. I am completely set up to win and, in fact, I am winning. Thank you so much."

- Gayle Goldman - Business Owner


“To say he's enrolling, inspiring, and a master coach is an understatement. I could really get effusive, but you get the point.”

- Ben Tolpin - Actor

“I have had the great honor of attending one of [Pericles’] coaching seminars a few years ago...if this speaks to you in your life right now - he can make a difference!”

- Debbie Turner Blocker

“Pericles Rellas is hands down one of the best coaches I have ever had the honor of working yourself a favor. Contact him. Tell him I sent you. I absolutely adore this man.”

- Durga McBroom - Singer

Reset Your Financial Thermostat Masterclass

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